Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mother-Daughter Relationship and Weight Concern Annotated Bibliography

Mother-Daughter Relationship and Weight Concern - Annotated Bibliography Example Ogden, J. and Steward, J. (2000). â€Å"The Role of Mother-Daughter Relationship in Explaining Weight Concern.† International Journal of Eating Disorders, Pages 78 – 83. Presented two distinct roles manifested by mother-daughter relationship in terms of modeling the concerns of the mother and interactive role that could either be facilitative or productive of the weight concern. The authors conducted a study that required the participation of thirty mothers with respective daughters (whose ages ranged from 16 to 19 years old) through administration of the questionnaire method. The questionnaire focused on delving into issues concerning weight, as well as perceptions of participants on their relationship. According to the authors, the present study â€Å"primarily aimed to assess the degree of concordance between mothers’ and daughters’ levels of weight concern†. The results revealed that â€Å"the mother-daughter relationship may be relevant to the study of weight concern, not as a forum for modeling but as an interaction between two individuals, which is itself either facilitative or protective of weight concern in the daughter†. The article is clearly relevant in terms of the information provided from the results of the conducted study. However, the date the article was published was already fairly old, more than 10 years from contemporary time and that the results, if conducted today, could have generated a different outcome. Further, the sample size was only small and validity could have been increased by conducting the research using a larger sample size. Still, the contents could be cited in the current research for relevance of information contained herein. Ogden, J. and Chanana, A. (1998). â€Å"Explaining the effect of ethnic group on weight concern: finding a role for family values.† International Journal of Obesity, Volume 22, Pages 641-647. Explored the effect of ethnic groups, particularly Asians, on weight concern; as well as determining the influence of values exhibited by families as inflicting on the weight issues. The authors conducted the study through the participation of 20 Asians a nd 20 White daughters through a questionnaire that solicited responses on profile characteristics, values, and perception of the female perfect body. Ogden and Chanana aimed to validate previous studies that indicated that there were no differences in views with regard to body dissatisfaction and eating restraints between the Asian and White groups. In terms of the role of the family, particularly all members: mothers and siblings, except the father, the findings revealed that they all placed crucial importance on physical appearance. The authors were found to be highly authoritative on the subject matter, especially Ogden who was reported to be a Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology based in the London University. The article, though, was already outdated being published in 1998 and contemporary factors could have changed perceptions of both study groups, if the study is conducted recently. The information could therefore be cited only on areas where parallelism with current studie s would have been established. Otherwise, due to the outdated information, the results could fairly be used in the current research. Leichty, T; Freeman, P.A. and Zabriskie, R.B. (2006). â€Å"Body Image and Beliefs About Appearance: Constraints on the Leisure of College-Age and Middle-Age Women.† Leisure Sciences, Volume 28, Pages 311 – 330. Examine relevant relationships on three variables: body image, beliefs about appearance, and leisure constraints as solicited from the response of college-aged students and their respective mothers. A fairly large sample size of 116 female students and 76 mothers were used where participation required the use of computers to generate the needed information. Initially,

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