Thursday, December 19, 2019


Lesson Plan – 2 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Unit Title: Personal and Professional Development Topic: Personal Swot Analysis Week 2 Time: Variable Duration: 5 Hours Lecturers: Module Leader: Joy Meme Venue: Variable No of students: Variable Lesson Objectives: 1.Understanding of the use and concept of a Personal SWOT Analysis 2.Completion of a Personal SWOT Analysis 3.Reading and discussion of the article-â€Å"How to Lead When the Generation Gap Becomes Your Everyday Reality† by Izzy Gesell Learning Outcomes (upon successful completion, students should be able to): Conduct a self-assessment inventory by doing a personal SWOT. Communicate ideas in an†¦show more content†¦Understand types of learner and learning strategies 2. Critically analyse individual approaches to learning 3. Benefits of self -managed learning to the individual and organisation Learning Outcomes (upon successful completion, students should be able to): 1. Define own learning style 2. Evaluate approaches to self-managed learning and their benefits 3. Propose ways in which lifelong learning could be encouraged Previous knowledge assumed: Knowledge of own learning style Materials and equipment required: PPT slides, case studies, hand-outs Assessment method: Part of portfolio for Final Submission Notes on DifferentiationShow MoreRelatedDeveloping And Managing Multi Cultural Teams1331 Words   |  6 Pages Developing and Managing Multi-Cultural Teams Jason LaVoie Argosy University Online â€Æ' Executive Summary Today’s workforce is ever more diverse in means of personal traits such as race, ethnicity, gender, national origin, religion, gender identification, and sexual orientation. Diversity research proposes that such diversity in the workplace will steer to lesser costs and/or greater revenues, enhancing the bottom line of an organization. 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